The Council of Voluntary Social Service Member Agency for the Year.
Gleaner Honour Award Recipient in the category of Health & Wellness
Lions Club of Mona award for outstanding and dedicated service to National Health Care.
The Society launched Relay For Life, a team event to raise funds to fight cancer, bring recognition that with early detection, cancer can be beaten, honour survivors and remember those who lost the battle.</p> <p>Partnered with the National Association of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists, for a campaign to increase the awareness of the mammogram as a tool in the fight against breast cancer. This is still ongoing but has forged linkages with an important group with the ability to reach women across all borders.
Implementation of Mobile Mammography and Pap smear Screening Programmes which increases screening access to women in rural and underserved communities across Jamaica.
The Society’s first cancer screening clinic was opened in Kingston and another at the Mandeville Hospital in March of the same year. The work of the Jamaica Cancer Society is now carried out from its headquarters in Kingston and its Manchester, St Elizabeth and St. Ann/St. Mary branches.
Ministry of Health Award for Outstanding Dedication and Contribution to the Ministry of Health NCD Plan.</p> <p>Medical Association of Jamaica Recipient of President’s Award for Committed Service in the Areas of Cancer Screening, Research and Patient Support.
The Council of Voluntary Social Services Member Agency of the Year Award
Recipient of the Gleaner Honour Award for Voluntary Service
Launched a one year cervical cancer awareness campaigned sponsored by the UGI Group of Companies. The campaign utilized the print and electronic media as well as brochures and flyers, appealing to women across all age groups and social class to have a Pap smear. This resulted in an island wide increase in awareness and screening and during the first two months the Society had a 62% increase in women having Pap smears and ended the year with a 23% increase.
Jamaica Reach to Recovery a breast cancer support group which is made up of women who have had a diagnosis of breast cancer and have had surgery (mastectomies and lumpectomies) was established. The function of the group is to provide empathetic counseling and social support to women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.
The Society erected the Hope Institute, a 32-bed hospital on lands in the vicinity of the University Hospital. The function of the Institute is to provide cancer treatment in close conjunction with the Oncology Department of the Kingston Public Hospital and the University Hospital.
AMCHAM Business & Civic Leadership Awards for Excellence Recipient in the category of Civic Leadership, Large Organization
Grabham Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologist Recipient Outstanding Contribution to National Development during the first 50 years of Jamaica’s Independence.
Partnered with the Ministry of Health to sensitize women to the importance of the Pap smear in the prevention of cervical cancer. The Society’s primary role is to design, implement and fund the public awareness campaign and to use its mobile units to conduct community based screening. This project was implemented to try to reach the approximately 125,000 women between 25- 54 years old who have never had a Pap smear.
Gleaner Honour Award – Certificate of Merit
The Society handed over the Hope Institute to the Government of Jamaica.