
When you donate to the Jamaica Cancer Society, we value your support. Because of your donation, we are able to give hope to our patients as we fight to create a future that is cancer free. Please show your commitment by donating to any one of our banking information.

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Join the fight against cancer!

Over 5,000 lives affected.

A total of 4981 cancers were recorded at the University of the West Indies in Kingston and St. Andrew during the period 2003 to 2007. Further studies revealed that of the total cancer recorder 2536 in males and 2445 in females.
24K $
Happy Patients
as at 2018

Jamaica Cancer Society Makes Strength

Make the biggest impact possible by supporting the Jamaica Cancer Society Research, Screening, and relay for life causes for all types of cancers. Together, we can change the way cancer is treated and cured. Join the fight against cancer!